#Pokemon Red - Battery-free cartridge mod with a FRAM memory. #easy #timeless #GameBoy #retrogaming @jrodrigotech 5 By JRodrigo In DIY, Electronics, InstagramPosted January 18, 2018Game Boy Pokemon Red – Battery-free cartridge mod with a FRAM memory READ MORE
#DIY Pocket Pi Terminal • Back side published on my Twitter 😊 • • • #raspberrypi #doityourself #prototype ¿ #retropie ? @jrodrigotech 5 By JRodrigo In DIY, Electronics, InstagramPosted October 18, 2017DIY Pocket Terminal with a Raspberry Pi W READ MORE
0 27 By JRodrigo In DIY, Electronics, VideoPosted December 11, 2016SMD reflow soldering using a hot air rework station READ MORE
¡Finally! 16ch. logic analyzer boards are here! #DIY #electronics @jrodrigotech 25 By JRodrigo In DIY, Electronics, InstagramPosted May 27, 2016¡Finally! 16ch.logic analyzer boards are here! READ MORE